I had my 30 week check-up yesterday and we did have some signs of preterm labor. My doctor said "I am telling you are between take it easy and moderate bedrest." So no more running or lifting and off my feet a few hours a day. I can still leave the house, drive, do housework. I got to see Penelope and despite all of these ultrasounds I had never seen her face, she ALWAYS has her little hands up by it, but yesterday I got to see her 4D, super clear, she is precious! She is 3 pounds and 15 inches. I'll have another appointment and ultrasound in 2 weeks and hopefully there will be no more progression. I am making little goals and rewards for myself. It sounds silly, but I am such a task oriented person that I think this will help me mentally.
Once a week I get TCBY frozen strawberry yogurt with brownies.
Once a week I get to buy something that we need for Penelope, Liam, Will or myself (we got our tax return and are in need of some new shoes, camera, etc.)
I look at like I need to make it to 32, 34, 36 and 38, or look at like I need to make it through April and May.
We have a lot going on in April, but right now it should be fine. We are looking forward to Will getting to see his family, Easter, Liam's 2nd Birthday, a weekend with my family at Disney, a couple of days with Brooke, Jon and Anderson and the sweet ladies at my church hosting a baby shower for me.