
Thursday, June 28, 2012


Penelope, you are such a delight to us. You are one week old today. You eat every three hours and during the night you give me a stretch of 4-6 hours. Your GB is here and gets up with your brother at 7 so you and I can sleep until 10. You are starting to be so alert during the day. You like to look at and listen to me, your dad and brother. P, you are now three weeks old. You and your brother dont't give me much time to blog :) you have the biggest blue eyes. You look up at us with them and we say you look like a little owl. I would much rather hold you, play trains with him or get a nap! Your daddy's parents got to meet you last week and of coarse they loved you to pieces. You rolled from belly to back this morning, which is really early- you are so strong! You like being on your tummy but I make you sleep on your back at night so you can safely breath. You are such a sweetheart and you go with the flow. We go to at least 1 place once a day like publix, target, chick fil a, the playground, etc. to get Liam out and to do errands and you happily tag along. I had forgotten a few things about life with a newborn: I have to take QUICK showers, I am exhausted from night time feedings and time is flying! I have learned that 2 babies crying is 100 times worse than 1 baby crying. Liam is saying more words, praise the lord! Wait, there, what's that?, down, more, go, bye, choo-choo, vroom, roar are some I can think of right now.

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