
Thursday, May 31, 2012

39 weeks

We had an exciting doctor's appointment today. I am 4 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced. I had no idea someone could be inbetween early and active labor for this long but apparently you can be! She stripped my membranes and hopefully, my contractions will get more painful (yes a weird thing to hope for) or my water will break. She will break my water for me next week if I choose. I'm glad it's a wait and see kind of thing. I don't have to commit to anything I don't want to do. The baby and I are both healthy so there is nothing to be concerned about. I have contractions regularly all the time they just don't have the intensity to make me dilate a centimeter an hour, etc. We are ready for miss Penelope to come in every way. Getting a little sad about the change from one child to two, but I know it will be so good for Liam. I would love to hear from anyone who was this far into labor and was induced by water breaking and not pitocin. I am leaning towards getting my membranes stripped again on Monday and not getting my water broken until I am 5 centimeters. I have googled it and read lots of positive stories but would love to hear how it went for someone I actually know- negative or positive. I don't like the idea of intervention and want to be patient but it's like I am in labor, just the slowest labor EVER. I think that is all :) maybe next time I post it will be b/c she has arrived!

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