
Friday, May 11, 2012

Penelope's Attempted Birthday

On Friday morning I started having mild contractions but they were really irregular. I had them all day, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. But hours would go by without one, so I didn't take it too seriously until Monday afternoon at 3:00 they became more regular and I hadn't felt her move in a while. So Will got someone to come stay with Liam and got all of our stuff in the car. We headed to the hospital, we thought we were going to get sent home because my contractions weren't painful. But we knew there was a possibility that she would come that night. They hooked me up to the monitors and I was contracting every 2 to 3 minutes! They gave me 3 shots, kept contracting, they gave me a pill, still contracting. I went from 0centimeters dilated to 2 centimeters pretty quick. I was officially in early labor. They admitted me and put me in a labor and delivery room. They then tried one more medicine called magnesium sulfate and it worked! It was a terrible experience- made me really sick and hot. But super thankful it slowed and then stopped the contractions. I was weaned off of the medicine for the next 48 hours then released to go home on bed rest. It feels so good to be at home and with Liam. My mom got here yesterday and is amazing taking care of Liam so Will can work and get rest, etc. her and Liam are at the playground and pool in our neighborhood right now. I didn't get to go to the airport to pick her up but Liam ran to her and wanted to hold her hand the whole day. He chases her around everywhere she goes. It's precious. I did totally break the rules and went to my baby shower last night, but it just meant so much to me since Liam was at his baby shower! My sweet friends here did an amazing job and made it so pretty and special. Penelope got great stuff too! I sat with my feet up the whole time. I am staying in bed 100% today. I will be 37 weeks on Thursday snd go to my weekly check-up so I don't know if I'll get to come off bed rest and they will let me have her at that point. We are just taking it one day at a time. I'm just so thankful I got to be the one hooked up to the IV and sick and not her. My doctor is out of town all weekend but my mom is here. So I am trying not to worry one way or the other. I know God is protecting her and He is the only one that knows her birthday. I will say these early contractions are NOTHiNG compared to pitocin contractions, these feel like being uncomfortable. Pitocin contractions feel like death. I know that these natural contractions will eventually hurt way worse than they do now and get more intense but I am relieved to know those little bitty cramps did 2 centimeters of work! Now I just have 8 more to go :) We will let everyone know when the next time comes and we bring a baby home with us!

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