When moving to Florida, It never crossed my mind we would live in Louisville again. In fact I am still struggling with it being a reality in my head. I thought we would never be near family, somewhere familiar, etc. again, and I was okay with that. Jimmy Scroggins once told me I would be happier and safer anywhere inside of God's will than I ever would be at "home" out of God's will. Imagine my surprise when Will looked at me after several phone conversations one night a couple of weeks ago and said "what about Louisville? God is calling me to be apart of Sojourn Community Church."
It was difficult to leave Florida. Most can't understand that because "I was getting to go home." But to me Florida had become my home.
We are so happy here in Louisville and love, I mean LOVE our church. We get to hear the Gospel every week and they have a wonderful children's program. I will write a whole post on Sojourn soon. It has been so sweet to get to reunite with family and friends. We think we have the best friends in the whole world, friends that pray for us, spend time with us, help us, encourage us, laugh with us and raise our kids with us.
Will has an 8-4:30 job that he enjoys and that pays the bills as well as interning at Sojourn. I am working for my old boss, Kelli 10 hours a week.
My parents graciously opened up their homes to us, so we are staying with my dad for a few months and then will stay with my mom for a few months. This is such a blessing because we are going to knock out student loans very quickly. We are on a complete spending freeze until we are out of debt. I mean, fun will be days at home and at parks (we are not getting zoo membership, etc), clothes will be washed often because I kept the kids fall and winter wardrobe down to the necessities we will be joyfully using our I phone 3's until they don't make calls anymore, no vacations, etc. We have everything we need and more and are so content not to make purchases!
Liam and Penelope made the adjustment seamlessly! Two of our precious friends from Florida helped us make the trip up here. And the kids are so flexible they haven't missed a beat.
Penelope has the most personality I have ever seen in a baby! She is always smiling! She will be 4 months tomorrow. She is still exclusively breastfed and Lord willing will stay that way until 6 or 7 months when we start a few solids. She rolls over and does the tripod sitting up, she is pretty tough as her big brother is getting more playful with her. Liam will be 2 and a half next week and he is so sweet and fun! He is slowly but surely improving on his speech, which we are thankful for.
Sometimes it is scary to follow the Lord's will but it is always a blessing.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Always behind on the blog!
Our little family is in a routine and able to spend sweet time with each other. Liam and Penelope are totally bonding! He has started calling her "her", he tickles her, hugs her, kisses her, holds her hands and feet while in the stroller, he wants her by his side, he has started trying to pick her up which is really funny/dangerous! She smiles so big while watching him play and he gladly hands over his toys and beloved blankie to her. Liam is saying too many words to count- outside, snack, hot, down, bird, ball, balloon, nose, toes, eyes, bubble, cheese, the numbers 2, 9 and 11, etc really random stuff. Yesterday we went to chick fil a after a target run and he happily exclaimed PLAY PLACE.
Penelope will be 3 months on September 5th and she is sleeping 9pm to 3 or 4am, it still kind of varies. I would love her to make it until the morning ie 7 or 8, but I really really don't mind getting up with her. Sometimes she wants to eat at like 12, 2, 4, 6: now those nights I am not so happy ;) she smiles and coos but hasn't given us an official laugh yet. She is so happy though, often times I'll be feeding her and she just grins at me so big it's hard to get her to eat because she just wants to look at me and smile! She is a great eater which is awesome! She rolls from belly to back but only 4 or 5 times and never back to belly. She really enjoys tummy time but starts to cry when she gets tired. The girl loves her playmat and bumbo. And enjoys her bouncer too. She plays with her owl and zebra on her carseat. We really rely on mylicon and her paci as she has some stinky little gas (sorry p for telling on you).
Liam is learning and growing at a tremendous rate. He was really struggling with going to sleep for a couple of weeks and I feel like we are coming out of that. We are starting to introduce potty training. His new ability to communicate has made parenting him 100 times easier.
We had a few minor issues post labor and delivery but saw my doctor Thursday and I have the official okay to run. I ran 1 mile Friday and 1.5 miles Saturday, boy am I out of shape. It is so good for my soul to run, I can't wait too get back in the groove and build up my endurance.
The complications throughout the pregnancy left us with a huge bill! But we trust the lord to provide and can take all the time we need to pay it off.
The summer is over and will had a great time/ did a wonderful job leading at the camps and me and the kids were able to visit Louisville. The kids great aunts, uncles, and great grandparents, friends, etc were able to meet and love on Penelope.
We have a new interm pastor at our church and will was able to baptize a precious little girl at church this morning. Praise the lord for saving her soul!
We were planning on feeling some strong effects of hurricane Isaac today but it ended up not being too bad for our area just wind and rain.
Will turned 31 on the 11th! I am so blessed to call him mine. I love him on a whole new level parenting our children together and living away from other family.
Im sure I am leaving plenty out but I want to remember as much of this stage as I can but don't know where to start!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Penelope, you are such a delight to us. You are one week old today. You eat every three hours and during the night you give me a stretch of 4-6 hours. Your GB is here and gets up with your brother at 7 so you and I can sleep until 10. You are starting to be so alert during the day. You like to look at and listen to me, your dad and brother.
P, you are now three weeks old. You and your brother dont't give me much time to blog :) you have the biggest blue eyes. You look up at us with them and we say you look like a little owl. I would much rather hold you, play trains with him or get a nap! Your daddy's parents got to meet you last week and of coarse they loved you to pieces. You rolled from belly to back this morning, which is really early- you are so strong! You like being on your tummy but I make you sleep on your back at night so you can safely breath. You are such a sweetheart and you go with the flow. We go to at least 1 place once a day like publix, target, chick fil a, the playground, etc. to get Liam out and to do errands and you happily tag along.
I had forgotten a few things about life with a newborn: I have to take QUICK showers, I am exhausted from night time feedings and time is flying! I have learned that 2 babies crying is 100 times worse than 1 baby crying.
Liam is saying more words, praise the lord! Wait, there, what's that?, down, more, go, bye, choo-choo, vroom, roar are some I can think of right now.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Penelope's Birth June 5th, 2012
The weekend after my appointment came and went and still no baby. I was still having consistent, not painful but mildly uncomfortable contractions. So we decided to have Dr. Dyal break my water on Tuesday morning at 8:00 am. I was super worried this wasn't the right thing to do and that this intervention would lead to more interventions. But I knew that this wasn't rational, it was just fear. so we arrived at hospital at 8:00. we got checked in and in a room, my doctor had gone back to the office to be with appointments until noon. They gave me an I.V. And it wasn't bad at all! It is usually one of the worst parts for me. I wasn't hooked up to anything but it's called a Hepi-lock so they have access just in case. From 9:00 to 12:00 Will and I just hung out and killed time and he even snuck me in a kids turkey sandwich from Firehouse. At 12:00 she came in and examined me and I was still a solid 4, 100% and -1 station which I was bummed about that I hadn't had any change since Thursday. She then broke my water and I went from 12:00 to 2:00 with little to no pain. I spent time standing, walking and on the birthing ball to try to get things moving. Then at 2:00 the nurse came in and said Dr. Dyal had called and was watching my contractions and asked my pain level and might want to start pitocin if I felt comfortable with it. I declined it and said let's see where I'm at at 4:00. About 10 minutes later I was in full force active labor. It took Will off guard because we were talking and laughing and all of the sudden I snapped at him for not being over by me and on his computer and told him I could not get in control of the pain. I don't remember everything but I just know I had intense contractions every few minutes. I did get good breaks in between them and was able to breath through them with Will's help, I tried to lay down a couple of times and it would throw me into another contraction, so the most comfortable position would just be rocking forward and backward on the birthing ball and leaning on Will like we were dancing and sway. I was in really bad pain and knew it was happening fast. With Liam I just laid in bed on my left side in the fetal position and'moaned through them while Will rubbed my back so this was really different. My nurse Angie was awesome! I had prayed I would have a nurse that supported natural childbirth and she totally did. I asked her to check me and I was 6cm. Yay only 4 more to go! 20 minutes later I asked to be checked again 7.5. Woah. We are having this baby soon. I start yelling loud through each contraction, I ripped the contraction monitor and baby heart rate monitor off. I'm in transition I say I can't do it. I ask for something to take the edge off. I ask to get checked and I'm 9cm. I tell her I don't want any medicine. The doctor arrives and i tell her to hurry up and check me I want to have Penelope. I'm 9.5, she tries to help me get to 10 on the right side. I feel the urge to push, I give a couple little test pushes and Penelope was turned a bit. It was painful, it was 3 good pushes and she was here! Active labor was 2.5 hours from 2:10 to 4:37, with 6 minutes of pushing. She was amazing. She was so beautiful they put her right on my chest and she starting nursing right away for an hour! She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 19 and 3/4 inches long. Will was perfect! He said all the right things and was right there for me the whole time. Everyone kept telling us what a good team we were. I needed a few stitches and it was painful and Will had to sit down because he felt like he might pass out while that was happening. The whole experience couldn't have been more perfect. I was just so thankful it was so quick. We are so blessed she is so healthy. We got to go home the next day and she has been the best little baby. A really good strong eater and wonderful sleeper. Liam is so good with her. At their first meeting at the house the day after she was born he showed very little interest in her and the days following he began rubbing her hands and face so gentle and soft and giving her sweet kisses. He goes to check on her often in her Moses basket and talks to her. The day after we got home we took her to the pediatrician, it was his only rule since he discharged us just 24 hours after she was born. She was in her carseat on the family room floor and Liam began giving her diapers and a paci and lipgloss, it was really cute like she needs all this stuff!
Will amd I were married for 4 years June 6th and he went to go get me a smoothie snd came back with a little wedding bell charm for my pandora bracelet and 2 clips. It was really sweet. And Ashley watched Liam while we went to the pediatrician and five guys with Penelope so we even got a little date!
It has been the best week and will try to blog more about her first week home soon. We did her newborn pictures today and I realized while watching Liam and Penelope get their photograph taken that my heart is so full!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
39 weeks
We had an exciting doctor's appointment today. I am 4 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced. I had no idea someone could be inbetween early and active labor for this long but apparently you can be! She stripped my membranes and hopefully, my contractions will get more painful (yes a weird thing to hope for) or my water will break. She will break my water for me next week if I choose. I'm glad it's a wait and see kind of thing. I don't have to commit to anything I don't want to do. The baby and I are both healthy so there is nothing to be concerned about. I have contractions regularly all the time they just don't have the intensity to make me dilate a centimeter an hour, etc. We are ready for miss Penelope to come in every way. Getting a little sad about the change from one child to two, but I know it will be so good for Liam.
I would love to hear from anyone who was this far into labor and was induced by water breaking and not pitocin. I am leaning towards getting my membranes stripped again on Monday and not getting my water broken until I am 5 centimeters. I have googled it and read lots of positive stories but would love to hear how it went for someone I actually know- negative or positive.
I don't like the idea of intervention and want to be patient but it's like I am in labor, just the slowest labor EVER.
I think that is all :) maybe next time I post it will be b/c she has arrived!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Penelope's Attempted Birthday
On Friday morning I started having mild contractions but they were really irregular. I had them all day, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. But hours would go by without one, so I didn't take it too seriously until Monday afternoon at 3:00 they became more regular and I hadn't felt her move in a while. So Will got someone to come stay with Liam and got all of our stuff in the car. We headed to the hospital, we thought we were going to get sent home because my contractions weren't painful. But we knew there was a possibility that she would come that night. They hooked me up to the monitors and I was contracting every 2 to 3 minutes! They gave me 3 shots, kept contracting, they gave me a pill, still contracting. I went from 0centimeters dilated to 2 centimeters pretty quick. I was officially in early labor. They admitted me and put me in a labor and delivery room. They then tried one more medicine called magnesium sulfate and it worked! It was a terrible experience- made me really sick and hot. But super thankful it slowed and then stopped the contractions. I was weaned off of the medicine for the next 48 hours then released to go home on bed rest. It feels so good to be at home and with Liam. My mom got here yesterday and is amazing taking care of Liam so Will can work and get rest, etc. her and Liam are at the playground and pool in our neighborhood right now. I didn't get to go to the airport to pick her up but Liam ran to her and wanted to hold her hand the whole day. He chases her around everywhere she goes. It's precious.
I did totally break the rules and went to my baby shower last night, but it just meant so much to me since Liam was at his baby shower! My sweet friends here did an amazing job and made it so pretty and special. Penelope got great stuff too! I sat with my feet up the whole time. I am staying in bed 100% today. I will be 37 weeks on Thursday snd go to my weekly check-up so I don't know if I'll get to come off bed rest and they will let me have her at that point. We are just taking it one day at a time. I'm just so thankful I got to be the one hooked up to the IV and sick and not her. My doctor is out of town all weekend but my mom is here. So I am trying not to worry one way or the other. I know God is protecting her and He is the only one that knows her birthday. I will say these early contractions are NOTHiNG compared to pitocin contractions, these feel like being uncomfortable. Pitocin contractions feel like death. I know that these natural contractions will eventually hurt way worse than they do now and get more intense but I am relieved to know those little bitty cramps did 2 centimeters of work! Now I just have 8 more to go :)
We will let everyone know when the next time comes and we bring a baby home with us!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
35 weeks
Penelope has decided she is about ready to make her appearance! The doctor thinks she will be here at 36 weeks. I am still hoping for 37. I am on bedrest until she comes. We are so excited to meet her! Next Thursday I have a shot, a doctor's appointment, my mom flies in and I have a baby shower so I am really hoping to make it that far. We just love our little girl so much and are so excited to meet her. We are praying she is healthy and praying that God would keep her in safe.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
March and April
Sorry for how random and out of order this post is...
I am just trying to get it up so I can remember all that is going on right now in this crazy time in our lives!
Our week was a little unusual. Wednesday night Will preached about the cross and it was awesome. Thursday morning he flew home to see his parents for the day and he drove one of their cars home to use for a couple of years. He had a great visit with them. Liam and I visited with a sweet family at their beach house while he was gone. It was so much fun! It was so good to get away. It was only a 30 minute drive but it felt like vacation. We couldn't wait to see Will on Saturday night, he got home at 1:00 am. It is so obvious Liam missed him so much! All day Sunday he wanted to hug and be held by daddy. Will's parents sent him home with tons of adorable clothes for Penelope and Liam, it made me even more anxious for her to get here so I can dress her up in all of these sweet little clothes. On Sunday at church we had a sunrise service, breakfast and regular service. A couple of really sweet families invited us over, but Will requested a family day since we hadn't seen him since Wednesday and it was perfect! I made my first Easter lunch, scalloped potatoes, ham and spinach salad. We visited Coldstone for dessert! Liam got totally spoiled by the Easter Bunny (aka the grandparents) and enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs outside. He would only pick the ones up off the ground, he wouldn't get them out of bushes or tress even when he saw them. We also all took a really long nap. A photographer friend took our picture on Easter but I haven't seen it yet.
Liam's 2nd Birthday:
We celebrated Liam's birthday as a family and he had a wonderful day! We decorated his door with streamers and hung his happy Birthday banner, which he really enjoyed. Our day was full of lots of toys sent by family. We just went to Moe's Mondays for dinner, the kid loves a cheese quesadilla.
I have made it to 33 weeks! Yay! Not easily though. I have spent several late evenings on my left side guzzling water getting BH contractions to stop. Thankful they always do. I have to spend several hours a day laying down, still getting my P17 shots and am not allowed to run or lift anything, etc. I have stuck to the doctor's orders except I have lifted Liam some.
If I can go to Orlando and back, have the Malko's visit and get a couple of weeks into May and to 37 weeks she will be full term.
We leave tomorrow and can't wait to see Grandcraig, Lindsey, Ashley, Troy, Chase and Brody! We love and miss them so much.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Our Family (including Penelope at 30 weeks)
I had my 30 week check-up yesterday and we did have some signs of preterm labor. My doctor said "I am telling you are between take it easy and moderate bedrest." So no more running or lifting and off my feet a few hours a day. I can still leave the house, drive, do housework. I got to see Penelope and despite all of these ultrasounds I had never seen her face, she ALWAYS has her little hands up by it, but yesterday I got to see her 4D, super clear, she is precious! She is 3 pounds and 15 inches. I'll have another appointment and ultrasound in 2 weeks and hopefully there will be no more progression. I am making little goals and rewards for myself. It sounds silly, but I am such a task oriented person that I think this will help me mentally.
Once a week I get TCBY frozen strawberry yogurt with brownies.
Once a week I get to buy something that we need for Penelope, Liam, Will or myself (we got our tax return and are in need of some new shoes, camera, etc.)
I look at like I need to make it to 32, 34, 36 and 38, or look at like I need to make it through April and May.
We have a lot going on in April, but right now it should be fine. We are looking forward to Will getting to see his family, Easter, Liam's 2nd Birthday, a weekend with my family at Disney, a couple of days with Brooke, Jon and Anderson and the sweet ladies at my church hosting a baby shower for me.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
We're still here
I have been a lazy blogger... and I don't even have any good pictures to post. I'll work on that.
* Liam and I went to Charleston to visit my sister in February, my mom met us there so it was great to spend quality time with them
* We got the Norovirus while we were there and I had to stay the night in the hospital one night because of dehydration and pre-term labor
* I see the doctor every couple of weeks and am doing P17 hormone shots weekly
* Penelope seems to be cozy, so we are praying she stays that way for a few more months
* I am 27 weeks tomorrow, so 13 more weeks would be ideal, but I am thankful to have gotten this far
* Liam started with a runny nose last Wednesday and it developed into an ear infection in his right ear, so we have been snuggling, watching lots of Thomas, etc.
* Penelope's room is coming along really sweetly
* Will is really enjoying his job
* We are moving in a good direction with someone interested in our house so that is great
* Hopefully we are all on our way to healthiness so we can enjoy this beautiful spring
* Liam will be 2 next month! Can not believe it. We are going to Disney the weekend after with my sister and her family and my dad and lindsey so I am excited we will get to celebrate with family, which I didn't think we would be able to do this year.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Not A One Year Old For Much Longer
We spent Will's off day today at the beach with this little guy. I don't want to forget this "almost two stage". Yes there are some tantrums and whining, but for the most part he is so fun to play with and be around all day. The tantrums and whining come from frustration when he can't get a toy to do what he wants or he has to get in the car instead of walking to the playground. He loves the ocean, he loves to play with cars. We buy him other toys but he primarily only plays with cars, books and blocks/legos. He sleeps from 8:30 or 9:00 to 7:45 or 8:00 and takes 1 afternoon nap everyday from 2-4. He snuggles with his Little Giraffe Blanket. He wears 18 and 24 months clothes. He is very independent and likes to do things himself. He has recently been telling me "no, no, no don't do dat." He also is trying so hard to sing. He likes Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, ABC's, Jesus Loves Me. His little voice is presh.
He still has no idea Penelope is on her way, Will often says oh man she is going to rock his world.
We are so blessed by his personality!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
It is so fun shopping for a girl. While we were at Target today we grabbed a few little clothes for baby girl.
I also made a baby registry for her to be organized about what I need and to have a place to direct people if anyone wants to pick something up for us.
I have a lot we used with Liam, but I think she will need a little pink in her life and somethings I didn't get or know I needed/wanted with Liam.
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